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The Eagle Creek Ranch Owners Association (ECROA) is a non-profit property owners association for Eagle Creek Ranch located in Wilson County, Texas, an easy 20 minute commute Southeast of San Antonio, and 10 miles north of Floresville. Map


Eagle Creek Ranch was formed in 1989 from over 2600 acres of land from the former Governor John Connally's Ranch divided into 2 to 10 acre lots, in one of the fastest growing regions of Wilson County. Eagle Creek Ranch is located on the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer System and enjoys a diverse native animal population of whitetail deer, turkey, hawk, owl, and squirrel. We are fortunate to be on the Southern fly-way for migrating birds and have seen egrets and thousands of ducks and songbirds. We also have a large number of native trees and plant life to include ancient live oaks, post oaks, blackjack oaks, hickory trees, mesquite, native lantana, and too many wild flowers to count during spring time. (They don’t call it Floresville for nothing – translation - flower town!)

Local Photography

FYI: The Nextdoor App has a social group called Eagle Creek Ranch Owners Association if you want to connect with your neighbors in Eagle Creek Ranch.
NOTE: The Nextdoor App is not an official part of the Eagle Creek Ranch Owners Association and we take no responsibility for anything posted on that site.

Questions and Concerns
Click on the "Elected officers" link to send a message to any of the board members or to members of the ACC committee.

Contact us-this form is under construction

Results of the Budget Election:
1. All Board candidates were voted in
2. The fee/assessment increase did not pass
3. The budget did not pass

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