Contact Us:
Please type the name of the board or ACC member in the subject line of your email.
The Architectural Control Committee (ACC)
What is it?
Eagle Creek Ranch property owner volunteers that enforce deed restrictions tied to all properties in Eagle Creek.
What do they do?
All construction both new and improvements need to be approved by the ACC. Improvements range from an above ground pool, concrete pads, fences, sheds, change of the exterior of the home/building/carport and so forth. New Construction includes any dwellings, workshops, sheds, etc. and also any placement of manufactured homes. When in doubt, please send an email or call with any questions. The ACC committee members would be happy to meet with you to discuss your project.
Why do I need to have improvements approved?
The deed restrictions are largely designed to preserve and enhance community areas, parks, lakes, entrances, etc. and to maintain standards of building construction and materials, and upkeep of individual properties.
What are the Restriction?
Click here for a summary of the most frequently asked questions about deed restrictions and links to the complete list of Deed Restrictions by lot number.